Welcome to Redeeming Grace Church. On Sundays, we gather for worship at 2:00PM, with service lasting just over an hour. We value the centrality of the preached Word, a relentless focus on the good news of the Gospel through the finished work of Jesus, the spiritual blessings of Christ in the sacraments, and congregational singing that is Christ-centered. Through it all, we want nothing but to rejoice in Jesus. No matter your story, you are welcomed here!
Join Us Sundays!
4565 Sharynne Ln, Torrance
We meet every Sunday in the Education Building. We'd love to get to know you. Join us for our next service!
Worship Service
2:00 PM
How To Find Us
We meet at EFC South Bay in the Education Building. As you enter the church, there will be parking located towards the back. Follow the arrows as seen in this map and once parked, you'll find us on the 2nd floor of the Education Building.
What To Expect During Sunday Service
We are eager for you to join us for a worship service! Our weekly gatherings are characterized by an eagerness to encounter our living & gracious God together in the context of prayer, singing, the preaching of the God’s word, and fellowship with one another. We’re a church that accepts all kinds of people with the stories we all come with. You can walk right on in wearing your “Sunday Best” or just come in with slippers and shorts. All are welcome here! Below is a link to one of our liturgies (our order of worship) which we hope will give you a good idea of what our worship is like.
The content of the Gospel shapes our services. Each week, as we gather for corporate worship, we celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a four-fold order of service: 1) God is holy yet still invites us, 2) We are sinful, 3) Jesus saves, and 4) Jesus sends. Through Scripture reading, prayer, and singing, we rehearse this Gospel and confess the amazing love of Jesus Christ. We then continue in worship as we hear God’s Word through preaching.
After the service, you will have an opportunity to converse and pray with the pastor. We also serve refreshments right after service and all are invited to linger and fellowship with one another. We hope to see you soon!
We are a diverse community of imperfect people who have found that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God’s love is bigger, God’s grace is deeper, God’s future is better than any of us could have ever imagined.
Our Story